Nova Sayadian

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[email protected]

I am an Assyrian artist, a musician and singer, I play the guitar and keyboards, I write and produce my own music. I have produced a solo album in 1994 and I am currently working on a new CD that would encompass a new style of music.

I was born in Baghdad, and moved to Australia to be citizens but time changed and we immigrated to USA Chicago Ill. At the Age of 15 years old I started playing music with Sargon Gabriel as a keyboard player and back up singer, also I sang all the English music for the band Freddie DeEial, and I wrote all the music for Sargon Gabriel for 3 years, Songs like:

Shlama Aturaya (Yousipco) Vol.4-1980

1-Shlama Athuraya [Assyrian Greeting]

2-Toora d-Nareh [The Mountain of Rivers]


4-Shapira [Handsome]

5-Le Manshinnakh [I Will Not Forget You]



Nineveh Album, Vol.3

1-Nineveh [Version 1]

2-Zmoorri b-aw Qala Khilya

3-Khoubba Meira [Talakh Kleeti Version 1]

4-Prishla Khleeti Minni

5-Oymo Zardeh



8-Gameechi La Tri Gamiyyokh

After these Nova Moved to California were he started playing in a band. Were he performed with Ashur bet Sargis and Aziz Michael and introduced Ogin Bet Samo to the Assyrian community. After years of performing Nova wanted to do his own music and songs. I felt that the Assyrian music need a change and performed something New?. Today nova Lives in Turlock CA and is still active in music and the community.

I am an Assyrian artist, a musician and singer, I play the guitar and keyboards, I write and produce my own music. I have produced a solo album in 1994 and I am currently working on a new CD that would encompass a new style of music.

I was born in Baghdad, and moved to Australia to be citizens but time changed and we immigrated to USA Chicago Ill. At the Age of 15 years old I started playing music with Sargon Gabriel as a keyboard player and back up singer, also I sang all the English music for the band Freddie DeEial, and I wrote all the music for Sargon Gabriel for 3 years, Songs like:

Shlama Aturaya (Yousipco) Vol.4-1980

1-Shlama Athuraya [Assyrian Greeting]

2-Toora d-Nareh [The Mountain of Rivers]


4-Shapira [Handsome]

5-Le Manshinnakh [I Will Not Forget You]



Nineveh Album, Vol.3

1-Nineveh [Version 1]

2-Zmoorri b-aw Qala Khilya

3-Khoubba Meira [Talakh Kleeti Version 1]

4-Prishla Khleeti Minni

5-Oymo Zardeh



8-Gameechi La Tri Gamiyyokh

After these Nova Moved to California were he started playing in a band. Were he performed with Ashur bet Sargis and Aziz Michael and introduced Ogin Bet Samo to the Assyrian community. After years of performing Nova wanted to do his own music and songs. I felt that the Assyrian music need a change and performed something New?. Today nova Lives in Turlock CA and is still active in music and the community.

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