In Memory of Benyamin Yousip Gundelove 1910-2000
Mr Benyamin Yousip Gundelove was born in the village of Marbeesho on Sunday the 25th of September 1910. His Mother Helaneh daughter of Elisha of Mamesho and his Father Yousip Bar Yousip Bar Yacoub Bar Awarham D’Marbeesho.
He was only 5 years only when the dreadful events of 1915-1918 bequeathed upon our Assyrian Nation forcing them to leave and flee their villages thus escaping from Urmia Iran to Baqoubba Iraq on foot under indiscriminate hail fo bullets. Clinging to the crying shoulders of his Father, witnessing images of his Father laying to rest alongside the route women and children murdered massacred by the evil doers left a sour test in his thoughts that prompted him to purse a course in which he can help his people and document the frightful happenings that his Assyrian People went through.
Attending and graduating from the First Assyrian School on Mosul - Iraq, in the summer of 1926 under the guidance of Rev. Yosip Qelaita (Joseph DeKelaita) which was a remarkable School fashioning a group of bright students who became Writers and Academics in the Assyrian Community and Benyamin was one of them.
His passion for Sports, Arts and Drama was equivalent to his carving for Literature and Writing. His book “Khazouka M’aal Opaqa” - Traveller across the Horizon 3 Volumes, portrays the events that he witnessed prescribed in a revealing ways followed by his book “Historical and Opinionated Testimonials” revealing ways and methods that can improve Social, Religious and Political behaviour for the utmost benefit of his Assyrian People.
He Joined the workforce as an accounts clerk working for Oil companies in Iraq as well as Private Commercial Firms until he decided to migrate to Australia with his Family in 1969. He retired from workforce in 1982 but pursued his social activities and devoted much of his time to his small family and to his Large Family The Assyrian Nation, until he faced the eternal life in June 2000
“May He Rest in Peace and Tranquillity”
Biography published on with permission from family of late Benyamin Yousip.
In Memory of Benyamin Yousip Gundelove 1910-2000
Mr Benyamin Yousip Gundelove was born in the village of Marbeesho on Sunday the 25th of September 1910. His Mother Helaneh daughter of Elisha of Mamesho and his Father Yousip Bar Yousip Bar Yacoub Bar Awarham D’Marbeesho.
He was only 5 years only when the dreadful events of 1915-1918 bequeathed upon our Assyrian Nation forcing them to leave and flee their villages thus escaping from Urmia Iran to Baqoubba Iraq on foot under indiscriminate hail fo bullets. Clinging to the crying shoulders of his Father, witnessing images of his Father laying to rest alongside the route women and children murdered massacred by the evil doers left a sour test in his thoughts that prompted him to purse a course in which he can help his people and document the frightful happenings that his Assyrian People went through.
Attending and graduating from the First Assyrian School on Mosul - Iraq, in the summer of 1926 under the guidance of Rev. Yosip Qelaita (Joseph DeKelaita) which was a remarkable School fashioning a group of bright students who became Writers and Academics in the Assyrian Community and Benyamin was one of them.
His passion for Sports, Arts and Drama was equivalent to his carving for Literature and Writing. His book “Khazouka M’aal Opaqa” - Traveller across the Horizon 3 Volumes, portrays the events that he witnessed prescribed in a revealing ways followed by his book “Historical and Opinionated Testimonials” revealing ways and methods that can improve Social, Religious and Political behaviour for the utmost benefit of his Assyrian People.
He Joined the workforce as an accounts clerk working for Oil companies in Iraq as well as Private Commercial Firms until he decided to migrate to Australia with his Family in 1969. He retired from workforce in 1982 but pursued his social activities and devoted much of his time to his small family and to his Large Family The Assyrian Nation, until he faced the eternal life in June 2000
“May He Rest in Peace and Tranquillity”
Biography published on with permission from family of late Benyamin Yousip.