Habibto Lo K-Majre-No

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Zeki Demir
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Zeki Demir
Album: Habibto Lo K-Majre-No
Year: 2006
Format: CD
Volume: 1
1. Habibto Lo K-Majre-No
Lyrics: George Shamoun
Music: John Hanna

2. Basyo Habibto
Lyrics: George Shamoun
Music: John Hanna

3. Futbol
Lyrics: Aram Bar-Yamo
Music: John Hanna

4. Qurban 'Aynakh
Lyrics: George Shamoun
Music: John Hanna

5. Hlitho d-Lebi
Lyrics: George Shamoun
Music: John Hanna

6. Azzi l-Sidah
Lyrics: George Shamoun
Music: John Hanna

7. Nukhrayto
Lyrics: George Shamoun
Music: John Hanna

8. Bethnahrin
Lyrics: George Shamoun
Music: Nebil Saado

9. Aylo
Lyrics: Denho ?zmen
Music: John Hanna

10. Tekh Habibto
Lyrics: George Shamoun
Music: Habib Mousa

11. Basyo Hnono
Lyrics: George Shamoun
Music: Nebil Saado

12. Athran
Lyrics: Halef Halef
Music: John Hanna

Recorded at M.S.G. Studio in Istanbul, Turkey.

Music arranged by John Hanna and Ozan Kavasogullari.
Music also managed by John Hanna.
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