Woroon Youmane

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Suaad Elias
  • #1 - Beth Nahrain

    Lyrics by: Yakob Chamani
    Melody by: Oshana Chano
    Arranged by: Fayez Goriel

  • #2 - Weroon Youmane

    Lyrics by: Oshan Chano
    Melody by: Oshana Chano
    Arranged by: Fayez Goriel

  • #3 - Khezi Modi Wedlon

    Lyrics by: James Esha
    Melody by: Oshana Chano
    Arranged by: Fayez Goriel

  • #4 - Tili Tanyan

    Lyrics by: Ninos Nirari
    Melody by: Oshan Chano
    Arranged by: Yakob Chamani

  • #5 - Brat D Sara

    Lyrics by: Hormiz Nirari
    Melody by: Oshan Chano
    Arranged by: Fayez Goriel

  • #6 - Kele Qolokh

    Lyrics by: Oshan Chano
    Melody by: Oshan Chano
    Arranged by: Fayez Goriel

  • #7 - Yoma D Ankawa

    Lyrics by: George Elias
    Melody by: Oshan Chano
    Arranged by: Fayez Goriel

  • #8 - Qatokh Bzamran

    Lyrics by: Behnam Albazi
    Melody by: Oshan Chano
    Arranged by: Fayez Goriel

  • #9 - La Baqret

    Lyrics by: James Esha
    Melody by: Oshana Chano
    Arranged by: Fayez Goriel

  • #10 - Tpaqret

    Lyrics by: Oshana Chano
    Melody by: Oshana Chano
    Arranged by: Fayez Goriel

  • #11 - Despor Ya Libi

    Lyrics by: James Esha
    Melody by: Oshana Chano
    Arranged by: Fayez Goriel

  • #12 - Ya Broni

    Lyrics by: Oshana Chano
    Melody by: Oshana Chano
    Arranged by: Fayez Goriel

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